Reinventing a new home decor idea with picture frame

Are you bored with the picture frame designs available in the store? Sometimes, you do not get the desired picture frame design in the stores and end buying the one which you are not satisfied with. No issues, that happens to me as well but hang on, I have some ideas to come over the misery. Nothing is more satisfactory than letting your imaginations flow onto creating or decorating a picture frame. I am not advising you to make the picture frame by yourself, but you can redecorate the old picture frames you have. Put together your ideas in innovating a brand new customized picture frame complementing the mood or theme of the picture and photographs to be framed.

Ribbon Design
The ribbon magic on picture frame

In the above picture, the old metal round frame and the wooden simple rectangular photo frame has been redesigned simply using colorful ribbons. Mere use of ribbons not only made the picture frame look graceful but also makes the photographs livelier than ever. Apart from using ribbons, you may also try using different fun designs with stickers. Simply writing phrases matching with the picture also works wonder.
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