How to make a country themed bathroom

A country bathroom takes you back to the good old days while still keeping things modern - modern fixtures with old fashioned style. These ideas will get you off to a good start on creating your own personal country
bathroom. Of course, there are many more to look at, but these will give you a good idea of what a country bathroom style is and even if they are not exactly what you want, you will gain the knowledge of what makes country country. If you have a country style home, then it makes good decorating sense to have a country bathroom as well. Style and fashion should extend to all rooms in the home. Start out with these basic design needs, add on some personal accessories that tickle your fancy and you have a country bathroom like no one else does, your own personal country spa, if that is what you wish it to be. Happy hunting.

One of the most important things to consider when decorating a country bathroom is what to do with the wall. One traditional country wall treatment is wainscoting. It comes up to less than half the height of the wall and can give either a casual or elegant feeling, depending on the style. It is an old style that has been making a big come back in recent years.

Next is to decide on what goes above the wainscoting. Floral wallpaper like the Parlour Vine Blue and Yellow Wallcovering by Waverly is a traditional pattern. If you decide on a solid color wallpaper or paint for the wall, a border like those shown on the above page will add a finishing touch. Or a wood molding would be perfect in either case.

The floor in a country bathroom could be traditional tiles like the small black and white tiles that everyone remembers or laminated wood, which is waterproof. Whatever your floor choice is, you will need bathroom rugs places strategically around.